A couple of days before Christmas, Izzy turned one. She was sick on her birthday, but she still had a great day. The highlight was having cake together. She liked the cake, and loved the dum dums on it. Abby helped me make it - she loves to cook. I'm not much into box mixes, and figured as long as I was making a cake, it should be homemade yellow cake with chocolate ganache. Yum Yum!!
This Christmas we had some sick kiddos at home, but we enjoyed the day together anyways. John told the girls the story of Jesus' birth and how he came to forgive us from all the times we disobey. The girls really liked it and went through it again.
The girls opened stockings to find little treats.
Abby found a safe place to enjoy her treats - safe from the clutches of baby Izzy.
We read books and played with some gifts. Oh, and the Minnie Mouse costume is just because. Abby asked if she could wear it and "why not??"
Abby asked almost everyday if it was Christmas because she REALLY wanted to make a gingerbread house.
Izzy was safely contained within sight but not within reach.
For Christmas, John bought me a ballet workout video, and Abby got a ballet skirt from Grandma Jackie. Since then we've "done ballet" together several times. I have so much fun watching her have fun.
She was transfixed by the video and liked to try to copy what they did.
After a while I turned on the Nutcracker. She wanted to be picked up like the ballerinas in the show. I guess I'm not up to being the lifter since I thought she was heavy to swing around!